Wool artisan, Carla de Ruiter.
Tejedora e hiladora
Tejedora e hiladora


For Gandhi,cotton spinning was not simply a form of economic self-sufficiency.Spinning on a charkha was also a form of meditation that could help spinners achieve deep philpsophical and spiritual insights and put non-violence and nonviolent civil disobedience into practice.

Spinning, whether on a spindle or spinning wheel of any kind, is a medative experience.

Gandhi also felt that more materially-wealthy people could participate in the goodness of buying clothing from artisans.

"The Charkha is an outward symbol of truth and non-violence, and unless you have them in your hearts you will not take to the Charka either"

"That force that flows from the plant, partly has to be applied to social health, you should awaken the masters in the living and when they have managed to unite human beings, not only according to their intellect, but also according to their perceptions and feelings and it is all in love toward common goals, then will come the time when humans will be able to transform living matter." (Rudolf Steiner)

With my teachers I learned a lot; with my colleagues, more and with my students more and more...(Hindu proverb)

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